The Pizza Shop

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Hungry for Pizza (OPEN)
rafe 2 227 by rafe
Aug 28, 2008 13:36:40 GMT -5


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The Pizza Shop

A perfect place for a group of friends to hang out in or a first date. The pizza here is very cheap and the people that work here are very considerate. The pizza that can be brought here is completely custom made by the consumer. Inside a large row of different ingredients set on a table in bowls, that you can choose and add to your pizza. Outside a huge sign is held “No dogs allowed!” guess he means it. This pizza shop holds a family recipe, an ancient mix that has been passed down generation to generation. The sauce and bread that they use has something in it that always drives people back despise of what they have added to their pizza. If a person is found bring a dog into the store then they can be banned from it the owner is very strict about dog fur flying around people’s eating area.
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