The Dog Run

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newBookmarkLockedFalling 'cause i'm your biggest fan ;;
Tsavo 9 332 by Rita/Candy
Aug 22, 2008 17:09:49 GMT -5


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The Dog Run

A very large park dedicated to the dogs of the town. A high chain fence surrounds the park to ensure that every dog stays inside. The sand that covers the park is changed every week by the park keepers. The park if off leash of course and any healthy dog is allowed in. Here you can meet new friends and dogs. Around the back of the park is a pond where the dogs can refresh at and play. The park is also full of benches where a caring owner can sit down and read a book or do homework. There is only one door that leads out the park and it is a double door so you can let your dog run far and feel safe that nobody will try to take you pooch. The park has a sign hanging on the fence reading “Please clean up after your dog with the bag provided” next to the sign is a roll of bags. I think you know what they are for… Remember you always keep a name tag on your dog in case anyone wants to know your dog name.
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